These pictures represent the external packaging and the ingredients (different types of sachets) of Bravo Kit For Milk. Please note that the kit only contains the powders while the actual liquid fermented product is not included. Please refer to our website for detailed information and instructions about the preparation of this product.
Bravo Kit For Milk is a dietary supplement with fermented bovine colostrum and probiotics for the home-made preparation of a yogurt/kefir-like fermented drink.
Bravo Kit For Milk is unique for the presence of fermenting strains, specific probiotics (including Bifidobacteria) as well as fermented bovine colostrum with known properties that make the product a stand-alone game changer.
Thanks to the proprietary, custom-made formula, Bravo Kit For Milk, yields a delicious yogurt/kefir-like probiotic drink that finds no competitors among the many fermented products commercially available on the market.
Bravo Kit For Milk is entirely made in Europe and it exclusively contains ingredients from certified sources. All the fermenting microorganisms, the probiotic strains, and the prebiotics in this product are safe for human use.
All the ingredients are manufactured for our Swiss company by certified European facilities that guarantee the highest quality and safety.
Bravo Kit For Milk contains the powders that are necessary to prepare, in your own kitchen, the final liquid fermented product that is ready to drink. The kit has been designed to be very user-friendly; it simply requires that you mix the powders included in the kit with milk of your choice. The philosophy behind our formulation allows a huge number of customizations in your kitchen, compared to most of the probiotic drinks available on the market. You can therefore prepare your own drink in accordance with your individual taste, needs and habits.
If however, you prefer to have this product ready-to-use, under the form of capsules, you can jump to Freeze Dried Bravo Capsules
Each Bravo Kit for Milk contains powders to prepare 13 liters (quarts) of product. Each kit contains:
– 13 Sachets of Culture Starter (blend of active cultures – cultured kefir grains with Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum)
– 13 Sachets of Probiotic Complex (blend of maltodextrin and microbial cultures: Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactococcus lactis, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium bifidum)
– 13 Sachets of Bovine Colostrum (organic, Swiss origin)
Please note that the three components, for their different nature and properties, may differ for their “Best before” date.
Bravo Kit for Milk is very easy to prepare: it only requires MILK.
The preparation of BRAVO is very simple and it takes only few minutes of work then, 24 hours later, you will have your product ready to drink. Simply mixing the powders (included in the kit) with one liter (or 1 quart) of milk you will have, 24 hours later, your product ready to drink, enough for 10 days. If you prefer, you can make Bravo using a yogurt-maker (see below for further details.)
The directions provided below refer to COW MILK. If you decide to use pasteurized cow milk as well as raw cow milk, to obtain a fully fermented product it will be necessary to boil the milk as described below and shown in the video.
In case you decide to use Ultra Pasteurized (UHT) cow milk you must not boil it. UHT milk just needs to be warmed up.
Directions for Bravo preparation (with no yogurt maker)
1. Boil 1 liter of milk, stirring well continuously to keep from sticking to bottom of pot until it boils. Milk boils when it blows up to the rim of the pot. Remove the pot from heat immediately. Do not over boiling the milk. See the related video available at the bottom of this page. Skip this step in case of Ultra-Pasteurized (UHT) cow milk. As written above, in case of UHT cow milk, pour the milk in a glass bowl and just warm it up (even using a microwave oven for 2 minutes at maximum potency.)
2. Cool the milk to room temperature (68-86°F) without stirring it (simply leave it at room temperature for a while). Remove the thick layer off top and discard it. When the milk is warm transfer it into the glass bowl.
3. Gently add 1 sachet Probiotic Complex, 1 sachet Culture Starter, and 1 sachet Bovine Colostrum and stir thoroughly with a tablespoon until all the clumps have been dissolved. A simple way to dissolve clumps is to add the powders to a small amount of the milk that you are using for the preparation, mix very well, and only when all the clumps have been dissolved, add this small amount at the rest of the milk.
4. Loosely cover the bowl with aluminum foil or kitchen paper so that air can pass over the fermenting milk while it is covered.
5. Set the bowl aside in a draft-free spot where it will not be disturbed. Do not mix or move it. BRAVO will ferment in 24-48 hours depending on the room temperature. You can check, 24 hours later from the beginning, if the thickness of BRAVO is correct; if you are not sure about its thickness, you can remove a little part of the surface (near the rim) by a tablespoon. If BRAVO is not thick as expected, wait up to 24 additional hours until it is thick enough (it can stay at room temperature for maximum 48 hours). You can check from time to time but without stirring it; the process of stirring will stop the fermentation process. Bravo is fermented when it reaches a yogurt-like texture.
6. Once BRAVO has reached the appropriate thickness, mix it well using a tablespoon. If many clumps are present, strain it using a strainer.
7. Split BRAVO into single serving sizes using glass jars with lid.
8. Store BRAVO into the refrigerator for at least two hours before drinking.
Directions for Bravo preparation (with yogurt maker)
Switch on the yogurt maker, place its glass jars open, with no lids, in their slots, close the lid of the yogurt maker and let it warm for about one hour.
Prepare the milk as described above (that is warm it up and add the powders as per points 1-3). When you have dissolved the powders of the kit in the milk, pour it into the warm glass jars, close again the lid of the yogurt maker and let it go for about eight hours. During this time, while the fermentation process occurs, the glass jars into the yogurt maker stay with no lids. At the end of the eight hours, the product will be completely fermented. Retrieve the glass jars, close them with their own lids and store them into the refrigerator. Refrigerate at least two hours before drinking.
Directions for Bravo preparation using other types of milk
Bravo Kit for Milk can also be used to ferment other types of animal milk (such as goat, camel, sheep milk) following the same directions described above for cow milk.
Bravo Kit for Milk can also be used to ferment vegetal milk (from rice, soy, almond); in this case points 1 and 2 do not apply.
Please note that changing the source and the kind of the milk the thickness and the taste of the final product can vary.
Note: The three components of the kit (Probiotic Complex, Culture Starter, and Bovine Colostrum) should not be used separately; they are not intended to be used directly.
Utensils necessary for the preparation of your BRAVO can be washed in a regular dishwasher.
100 ml (3.3 oz) of liquid fermented product made using bovine milk contains about 80 Kcal. The amount of calories, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and other nutrients depends on the type of milk used to prepare the product.
Storage of Bravo Kit For Milk (containing the powders).
Store the Bravo Kit (that is the silver bag with its three powder components) in the refrigerator, in their original packaging, at a temperature between +2 and +4 °C (35-39 °F), and away from humidity. The Bravo Kit with the powders can be stored also at room temperature (no more than 25°C) until the date written on the labels/bags of each component.
Storage of the liquid fermented drink.
Store the fermented drink in closed individual glass containers in the refrigerator, at a temperature between +2 and +4 °C (35-39 °F). The fermented drink can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.
BRAVO fermented and ready to drink has an expiration of about 10 days, if properly stored into the refrigerator.
BRAVO may not be frozen since it contains live microorganisms.
Use 3.3 oz (100 ml) as serving size, daily. Shake/mix well before consuming. Flavor, if desired, with high-grade honey or fruit.
Do not consume past the expiration date.
Do not exceed the suggested serving size. Keep the product out of reach of children. Not intended for use by those with serious medical conditions, pregnant or lactating women. Always consult a Physician before adding supplements to your diet.
Bravo Kit for Milk DOES NOT contain: artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, added sugar, gluten, soy, wheat, egg, rice, starch, hormones, antibiotics.
BRAVO is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
VIDEO – Boil the milk